- Restrict what your code can do
- Restrict which code can call your code
- Identify code
Code access security consists of the following elements:
- Permissions
- Permission sets
- Code groups
- Policy
Permissions represent access to a protected resource or the ability to perform a protected operation. The .NET Framework provides several permission classes, like FileIOPermission (when working with files), UIPermission (permission to use a user interface), SecurityPermission (this is needed to execute the code and can be even used to bypass security) etc. I won't list all the permission classes here, they are listed below.
Permission sets
A permission set is a collection of permissions. You can put FileIOPermission and UIPermission into your own permission set and call it " My_PermissionSet". A permission set can include any number of permissions. FullTrust, LocalIntranet, Internet, Execution and Nothing are some of the built in permission sets in .NET Framework. FullTrust has all the permissions in the world, while Nothing has no permissions at all, not even the right to execute.
Code groups
Code group is a logical grouping of code that has a specified condition for membership. Code from http://www.somewebsite.com/ can belong to one code group, code containing a specific strong name can belong to another code group and code from a specific assembly can belong to another code group. There are built-in code groups like My_Computer_Zone, LocalIntranet_Zone, Internet_Zone etc. Like permission sets, we can create code groups to meet our requirements based on the evidence provided by .NET Framework. Site, Strong Name, Zone, URL are some of the types of evidence.
Security policy is the configurable set of rules that the CLR follows when determining the permissions to grant to code. There are four policy levels - Enterprise, Machine, User and Application Domain, each operating independently from each other. Each level has its own code groups and permission sets. They have the hierarchy given below.
Code Access Security performs the following functions:
- Defines permissions and permission sets that represent the right to access various system resources.
- Enables administrators to configure security policy by associating sets of permissions with groups of code (code groups).
- Enables code to request the permissions it requires in order to run , as well as the permissions that would be useful to have , and specifies which permissions the code must never have .
- Grants permissions to each assembly that is loaded, based on the permissions requested by the code and on the operations permitted by security policy.
- Enables code to demand that its callers have specific permissions. Enables code to demand that its callers possess a digital signature, thus allowing only callers from a particular organization or site to call the protected code.
- Enforces restrictions on code at run time by comparing the granted permissions of every caller on the call stack to the permissions that callers must have. There's a separate namespace - System.Security, which is dedicated for implementing security.
These are the main classes in System.Security namespace:
Classes | Description |
CodeAccessPermission | Defines the underlying structure of all code access permissions. |
PermissionSet | Represents a collection that can contain many different types of permissions. |
SecurityException | The exception that is thrown when a security error is detected. |
These are the main classes in System.Security.Permissions namespace:
EnvironmentPermission | Controls access to system and user environment variables. |
FileDialogPermission | Controls the ability to access files or folders through a file dialog. |
FileIOPermission | Controls the ability to access files and folders. |
IsolatedStorageFilePermission | Specifies the allowed usage of a private virtual file system. |
IsolatedStoragePermission | Represents access to generic isolated storage capabilities. |
ReflectionPermission | Controls access to metadata through the System.Reflection APIs. |
RegistryPermission | Controls the ability to access registry variables. |
SecurityPermission | Describes a set of security permissions applied to code. |
UIPermission | Controls the permissions related to user interfaces and the clipboard. |
.Net Vs J2EE – A Comparison
Code Access Security: Permissions
Code-access permissions represent authorization to access a protected resource or perform a dangerous operation, and form a foundation of CAS. They have to be explicitly requested from the caller either by the system or by application code, and their presence or absence determines the appropriate course of action.
Both Java and .NET supply an ample choice of permissions for a variety of system operations. The runtime systems carry out appropriate checks when a resource is accessed or an operation is requested. Additionally, both platforms provide the ability to augment those stand ard permission sets with custom permissions for protection of application-specific resources. Once developed, custom permissions have to be explicitly checked for (demanded) by the application's code, because the platform's libraries are not going to check for them.
.NET defines a richer selection here, providing permissions for role -based checks and evidence-based checks. An interesting feature of the latter is the family of Identity permissions, which are used to identify an assembly by one of its traits -- for instance, its strong name (StrongNameIdentityPermission). Also, some of its permissions reflect close binding between the .NET platform and the underlying Windows OS (EventLogPermission, RegistryPermission). IsolatedStoragePermission is unique to . NET, and it allows low-trust code (Internet controls, for instance) to save and load a persistent state without revealing details of a computer's file and directory structure.
Adding a custom code access permission requires several steps. Note that if a custom permission is not designed for code access, it will not trigger a stack walk.
The steps are:
- Optionally, inherit from CodeAccessPermission (to trigger a stack walk).
- Implement IPermission and IUnrestrictedPermission.
- Optionally, implement ISerializable.
- Implement XML encoding and decoding.
- Optionally, add declarative security support through an Attribute class.
- Add the new permission to CAS Poli cy by assigning it to a code group.
- Make the permission's assembly trusted by .NET framework.
.NET permissions are grouped into NamedPermissionSets. The platform includes the following non-modifiable built-in sets: Nothing, Execution, FullTrust, Internet, LocalIntranet, SkipVerification. The FullTrust set is a special case, as it declares that this code does not have any restrictions and passes any permission check, even for custom permissions. By default, all local code (found in the local computer directories) is granted this privilege.
The above fixed permission sets can be demanded instead of regular permissions:
[assembly:PermissionSetAttribute( SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, Name="LocalIntranet")]
In addition to those, custom permission sets may be defined, and a built -in Everything set can be modified. However, imperative code -access checks cannot be applied to varying permission sets (i.e., custom ones and Everything). This restriction is present because they may represent di fferent permissions at different times, and .NET does not support dynamic policies, as it would require re-evaluation of the granted permissions.
Permissions, defined in Java, cover all important system features: file access, socket, display, reflection, security policy, etc. While the list is not as exhaustive as in .NET, it is complete enough to protect the underlying system from the ill - behaving code.
Developing a custom permission in Java is not a complicated process at all. The following steps are required:
- Extend java.security.Permission or java.security.BasicPermission.
- Add new permission to the JVM's policy by creating a grant entry.
Below is a simple example of defining a custom permission:
//permission class public class CustomResPermission extends Permission { public CustomResPermission (String name, String action) { super(name,action); } } //library class public class AccessCustomResource { public String getCustomRes() { SecurityManager mgr = System.getSecurityManager(); if (mgr == null) { //shouldn't run without security!!! throw new SecurityException(); } else { //see if read access to the resource //was granted mgr.checkPermission( new CustomResPermission("ResAccess","read")); } //access the resource here String res = "Resource"; return res; } } //client class public class CustomResourceClient { public void useCustomRes() { AccessCustomResource accessor = new AccessCustomResource(); try { //assuming a SecurityManager has been //installed earlier String res = accessor.getCustomRes(); } catch(SecurityException ex) { //insufficient access rights } } }
J2EE reuses Java's permissions mechanism for code -access security. Its specification defines a minimal subset of permissions, the so -called J2EE Security Permissions Set (see section 6.2 of the J2EE.1.4 specification). This is the minimal subset of permissions that a J2EE -compliant application might expect from a J2EE container (i.e., the application does not attempt to call functions requiring other permissions). Of course, it is up to individual vendors to extend it, and most commercially available J2EE application servers allow for much more extensive application security sets.
Note: .NET defines a richer sets -based permission structure than Java. At the
same time, .NET permissions reveal their binding to the Windows OS.
Code Access Security: Policies
Code Access Security is evidence -based. Each application carries some evidence about its origin: location, signer, etc. This evidence can be discovered either by examining the application itself, or by a trusted entity: a class loader or a trusted host. Note that some forms of evidence are weaker th an others, and, correspondingly, should be less trusted -- for instance, URL evidence, which can be susceptible to a number of attacks. Publisher evidence, on the other hand, is PKI-based and very robust, and it is not a likely target of an attack, unless the publisher's key has been compromised. A policy, maintained by a system administrator, groups applications based on their evidence, and assigns appropriate permissions to each group of applications.
Evidence for the .NET platform consists of various as sembly properties. The set of assembly evidences, which CLR can obtain, defines its group memberships. Usually, each evidence corresponds to a unique MembershipCondition, which are represented by .NET classes. See MSDN for the complete listing of standard conditions. They all represent types of evidence acceptable by CLR. For completeness, here is the list of the standard evidences for the initi al release: AppDirectory, Hash, Publisher, Site, Strong Name, URL, and Zone.
.NET's policy is hierarchical: it groups all applications into so -called Code Groups. An application is placed into a group by matching its Membership Condition (one per code group) with the evidence about the application's assembly. Those conditions are either derived from the evidence or custom -defined. Each group is assigned one of the pre-defined (standard or custom) NamedPermissionSet. Since an assembly can possess more than one type of evidence, it can be a member of multiple code groups. In this case, its total permission set will be a union of the sets from all groups (of a particular level) for which this assembly qualifies. The below figure depicts code-group hierarchy in the default machine policy:
Custom groups may be added under any existing group (there is always a singleroot). Properly choosing the parent is an important task, because due to its hierarchical nature, the policy is navigated top -down, and the search never reaches a descendent node if its parents' MembershipCondition was not satisfied.
In the figure, the Microsoft and ECMA nodes are not evaluated at all for non -local assemblies.
Built-in nodes can be modified or even deleted, but this should be done with care, as this may lead to the system's destabilization. Zones, identifying code, are defined by Windows and managed from I nternet Explorer, which allows adding to or removing whole sites or directories from the groups. All code in non -local groups have special access rights back to the originating site, and assemblies from the intranet zone can also access their originating d irectory shares.
To add a custom code group using an existing NamedPermissionSet with an associated MembershipCondition, one only needs to run the caspol.exe tool. Note that this tool operates on groups ordinal numbers rather than names:
Actually, .NET has three independent policies, called Levels: Enterprise, Machine, and User. As a rule, a majority of the configuration process takes place on the Machine level — the other two levels grant Full Trust to everybody by default. An application can be a member of several groups on each level, depending on its evidence. As a minimum, all assemblies are member of the AllCode root group. Policy traversal is performed in the following order: Enterprise, M achine, and then User, and from the top down. On each level, granted permission sets are determined as follows:
caspol -addgroup 1.3 -site
www.MySite.com LocalIntranet
Level Set = Set1 U Set2 U ... U SetNwhere 1..N - code groups matching assembly's evidence. System configuration determines whether union or int ersection operation is used on the sets.
The final set of permissions is calculated as follows:
Final Set = Enterprise X Machine X UserEffectively, this is the least common denominator of all involved sets. However, the traversal order can be altered by u sing Exclusive and LevelFinal policy attributes. The former allows stopping intra -level traversal for an assembly; the latter, inter-level traversal. For instance, this can be used to ensure, on the Enterprise level, that a particular assembly always has e nough rights to execute.
Each policy maintains a special list of assemblies, called trusted assemblies -- they have FullTrust for that policy level. Those assemblies are either part of CLR, or are specified in the CLR configuration entries, so CLR will try to use them. They all must have strong names, and have to be placed into the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) and explicitly added to the policy (GAC can be found in the %WINDIR%\assembly directory):
gacutil /i MyGreatAssembly.dllThe below figure shows the Machine-level trusted assemblies:
caspol -user -addfulltrust MyGreatAssembly.dll
publisher of the code). Both evidences are optional: if omitted, all code is implied. Again, publisher evidence is more reliable, as it less prone to attacks. However, up until JDK 1.2.1, there was a bug in the SecurityManager's implementation that allowed replacing classes in a signed JAR file and then continuing to execute it, thus effectively stealing the signer's permissions.
Policy links together permissions and evidence by assigning proper rights to code, grouped by similar criteria. A JVM can use multiple policy files; two are defined in the default java.security:
This structure allows creating multi -level policy sets: network, machine, user. The resulting policy is computed as follows: Policy = Policy.1 U Policy.2 U ... U Policy.N JVM uses an extremely flexible approach to providing polic y: the default setting can be overwritten by specifying a command -line parameter to the JVM:
//adds MyPolicyFile to the list of policies
java -Djava.security.policy=MyPolicyFile.txt
// replaces the existing policy with MyPolicyFile
java -Djava.security.policy==MyPolicyFile.txt
Java policy has a flat structure: it is a series of grant statements, optionally followed by evidence, and a list of granted permissions. A piece of code may satisfy more than one clause's condition — the final set of granted permissions is a union of all matches:
grant [signedBy "signer1", ..., "signerN"] [codeBase "URL"] { permission"TargetName", "Action" [signedBy "signer1", ..., "signerN"]; ... }
Even locally installed classes are granted diffe rent trust levels, depending on their location:
· Boot classpath: $JAVA_HOME/lib, $JAVA_HOME/classes These classes automatically have the full trust and no security restrictions. Boot classpath can be changed both for compilation and runtime, using command-line parameters: -bootclasspath and -Xbootclasspath, respectively.
· Extensions: $JAVA_HOME/lib/ext Any code (JAR or class files) in that directory is given full trust in the
default java.policy:
grant codeBase "file:{java.home}/lib/ext/*" {
permission java.security.AllPermission;
· Standard classpath: $CLASSPATH ("." by default) By default, have only few permissions to establish certain network connections and read environment properties. Again, the SecurityManager has to be installed (either from command li ne using the - Djava.security.manager switch, or by calling System.setSecurityManager) in order to execute those permissions.
Policy-based security causes problems for applets. It's unlikely that a web site's users will be editing their policy files before accessing a site. Java does not allow runtime modification to the policy, so the code writers (especially applets) simply cannot obtain the required execution permissions. IE and Netscape have incompatible (with Sun's JVM, too!) approaches to handling appl et security. JavaSoft's Java plug-in is supposed to solve this problem by providing a common JRE, instead of the browser -provided VM.
If the applet code needs to step outside of the sandbox, the policy file has to be edited anyway, unless it is an RSA -signed applet. Those applets will either be given full trust (with user's blessing, or course), or if policy has an entry for the signer, it will be used. The following clause in the policy file will always prevent
granting full trust to any RSA -signed applet:
grant { permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "usePolicy"; }
Note: Policy in .NET has a much more sophisticated structure than in Java, and it also works with many more types of evidences. Java defines very flexible approach to adding and overriding de fault policies -- something that .NET lacks completely.
Code Access Security: Access Checks
Code access checks are performed explicitly; the code (either an application, or a system library acting on its behalf) calls the appropriate Security Manager to verify that the application has the required permissions to perform an operation. This check results in an operation known as a stack walk: the Runtime verifies that each caller up the call tree has the required permissions to execute the requested operation. This operation is aimed to protect against a luring attack, where a privileged component is misled by a caller into executing dangerous operations on its behalf. When a stack walk is performed prior to executing an operation, the system can detect that the caller is not allowed to do what it is requesting, and abort the execution with an exception.
Privileged code may be used to deal with luring attacks without compromising overall system security, and yet provide useful functionality. Normally, the most restrictive set of permissions for all of the code on the current thread stack determines the effective permission set. To bypass this restriction, a special permission can be assigned to a small portion of code to perform a reduced set of restricted actions on behalf of under -trusted callers. All of the clients can now access the protected resource in a safe manner using that privileged component, without compromising security. For instance, an application may be using fonts, which requires opening font files in protected system areas. Only trusted code has to be given permissions for file I/O, but any caller, even without this permission, can safely access the component itself and use fonts.
Finally, one has to keep in mind that code access security mechanisms of both platforms sit on top of the co rresponding OS access controls, which are usually role or identity-based. So, for example, even if Java/.NET's access control allows a particular component to read all of the files on the system drive, the requests might still be denied at the OS level.
A .NET assembly has a choice of using either imperative or declarative checks (demands) for individual permissions. Declarative (attribute) checks have the added benefit of being stored in metadata, and thus are available for analyzing and reporting by .NET tools like permview.exe. In either case, the check results in a stack walk. Declarative checks can be used from an assembly down to an individual properties level.
//this declaration demands FullTrust //from the caller of this assembly [assembly:PermissionSetAttribute( SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, Name = "FullTrust")] //An example of a declarative permission //demand on a method [CustomPermissionAttribute(SecurityAction.Demand, Unrestricted = true)] public static string ReadData() { //Read from a custom resource. } //Performing the same check imperatively public static void ReadData() { CustomPermission MyPermission = new CustomPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted); MyPermission.Demand(); //Read from a custom resource. }
In addition to ordinary code access checks, an application can declaratively specify LinkDemand or InheritanceDemand actions, which allow a type to require that anybody trying to reference it or inherit from it possess particular permission(s). The former applies to the immediate requestor only, while the latter applies to all inheritance chain. Presence of those demands in the managed code triggers a check for the appropriate permission(s) at JIT time.
Consequently, if a strong-named assembly is intended for use by partially trusted assemblies (i.e., from code without FullTrust), it has to be marked by a special attribute -- [assembly:AllowPartiallyTru stedCallers], which effectively removes implicit LinkDemand checks for FullTrust. All other assembly/class/method level security checks are still in place and enforceable, so it is possible that a caller may still not possess enough privileges to utilize a strong-named assembly decorated with this attribute.
.NET assemblies have an option to specify their security requirements at the assembly load time. Here, in addition to individual permissions, they can operate on one of the built-in non-modifiable PermissionSets. There are three options for those requirements: RequestMinimum, RequestOptional, and RequestRefuse.
If the Minimum requirement cannot be satisf ied, the assembly will not load at all. Optional permissions may enable certain features. Application of the RequestOptional modifier limits the permission set granted to the assembly to only optional and minimal permissions (see the formula in the followi ng paragraph). RequestRefuse explicitly deprives the assembly of certain permissions (in case they were granted) in order to minimize chances that an assembly can be tricked into doing something harmful.
//Requesting minimum assembly permissions //The request is placed on the assembly level. using System.Security.Permissions; [assembly:SecurityPermissionAttribute( SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, Flags = SecurityPermissionFlag.UnmanagedCode)] namespace MyNamespace { ... }
CLR determines the final set of assembly permissions using the granted permissions, as specified in .NET CAS policy, plus the load-time modifiers described earlier. The formula appl ied is (P - Policy-derived permissions): G = M + (O<
The Assert option explicitly succeeds the stack walk (for the given PermissionSet or any subset of it, as determined by the Intersect function), even if the upstream callers do not have the required permissions (it fails if sets intersections are not empty). Deny and PermitOnly effectively restrict the available permission sets for the downstream callers.
The figure below represents an overview of the Code Access Security permission grants and checks in .NET:
In Java, permissions are normally checked by the SecurityManager (or installed derivative), by using the checkPermission function. It defines a helper for each major group of permissions, such as checkWrite for the write action of FilePermission. All checks are imperativ e; there are no declarative code access checks in Java language. Each JVM can have at most one SecurityManager (or derivative) installed -- once set, they cannot be replaced, for security reasons.Browsers always start SecurityManager, so any Internet Java application executes with enabled security. Locally started JVMs have to install a SecurityManager before exercising the first sensitive operation; this can also be done programmatically:
System.setSecurityManager(new SecurityManager());
or using a command-line option:
java -Djava.security.manager MyClass
In Java 2, when determining application permissions, SecurityManager delegates the call to java.security.AccessController, which obtains current snapshot of AccessControllerContext to determine which perm issions are present. SecurityManager's operations may be influenced by the java.security.DomainController implementation, if one exists. It instructs an existing SecurityManager to perform additional operations before security checks, thus allowing security system extensibility without re -implementing its core classes. JAAS uses this functionality to add principal -based security checks to the original code-based Java security.
When making access control decisions, the checkPermission method stops checking if it reaches a caller that was marked as "privileged" via a doPrivileged call without a context argument. If that caller's domain has the specified permission, no further checking is done and checkPermission returns quietly, indicating that the requested access is allowed. If that domain does not have the specified permission, an exception is thrown, as usual. Writing privileged code in Java is achieved by implementing the java.security.PrivilegedAction or PrivilegedExceptionAction interfaces. This approach is somewhat limiting, as it does not allow specifying the exact permissions to be asserted, while still requiring the callers to possess others -- it is an "all or nothing" proposition.
public class PrivilegedClass implements PrivilegedAction { public Object run() { //perform privileged operation ... return null; } }Suppose the current thread traversed m callers, in the order of caller 1 to caller 2 to caller M, which invoked the checkPermission method. This method determines whether access is granted or denied based on the following algorithm:
i = m; while (i > 0) { if (caller i's domain does not have the permission) throw AccessControlException else if (caller i is marked as privileged) { if (a context was specified in the call to doPrivileged) context.checkPermission(permission) return; } i = i - 1; } // Next, check the context inherited when // the thread was created. Whenever a new thread // is created, the AccessControlContext at that // time is stored and associated with the new // thread, as the "inherited" context. inheritedContext.checkPermission(permission);Note: .NET arms developers with an impressive arsenal of various features for access checks, easily surpassing Java in this respect.
In this article, Code Access Security features of Java and .NET platforms were reviewed. CAS features i n .NET are significantly better than the ones Java can offer, with a single exception -- flexibility. Java, as it is often the case, offers ease and configurability in policy handling that .NET cannot match.
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