In this artilce, we are going to discuss on a clear content idea of iHTML page, a server-side dynamic web page and its basic tags in constructing a web application.
iHTML is a server side scripting language, which is used to create dynamic website and web applications. A web application is a collection of static and dynamic web pages. Static web page as the name signifies is the one that does not change when a site visitor requests it. The web server sends the page to the web browser without any modifications. In contrast, a Dynamic web page is modified by the server before it is sent to the browser. The changing nature of the page is why it’s called dynamic
Expansion of iHTML: Inline Hyper text Markup Language
What is iHTML?
- IHTML is a server side scripting language, which is used for developing dynamic internet content.
- IHTML provides the tools to build dynamic websites and web applications.
- IHTML allows real time interaction between user and content being presented.
Description of iHTML
- IHTML is a server extension tool kit.
- IHTML is a powerful and flexible interface to ODBC (Open Data Base Connectivity) compliant databases which contain a complete set of tags that allows the implementation of additional features, flow control and mathematical calculations.
- IHTML tags are placed directly into regular HTML files to perform additional functions such as
- Accessing databases,
- Performing mathematical calculations,
- Defining IF/THEN constructs LOOPS and Error handlers.
- IHTML is a very flexible extension, so that all Web users will be able to access all the functionalities of Web pages.
- It is easy to learn iHTML, since the standard tag structures used in IHTML are similar to HTML.
Technologies involved in iHTML
- Data Base integration
- Internet
- Dynamic graphics
- Traditional programming
- Back page processor
- Flow control
- Other technology
Database integration
It is the process of handling multiple concurrent connections to web servers and database connections between different database systems by using ODBC.
We can use iHTML to access multiple data sources in a single HTML page, since it provides database access on webpage in real-time.
The following Table contains a list of the tags associated with database access
Tag Name | Function |
iCOPYFILE | Copies a file on the server hard drive |
BCOLUMN | Used in conjunction with iDBTABLE for defining sets of columns for its use |
iDBLOOP | Allows looping through the results sets from the iDBQUERY query |
/iDBLOOP | Marks the end of the iDBLOOP |
iDBQUERY | Makes the SQL structure familiar to Cold Fusion users |
/iDBQUERY | Closes the iDBQUERY tag structure |
iDBRESULTS | Gets the results from a iDBQUERY tag set |
/iDBRESULTS | Closes the iDBRESULTS tag set |
iDBTABLE | Creates a table layout using the database data |
/iDBTABLE | Closes the iDBTABLE tag set |
iDIR | Allows the creation of fancier directory listing with filtering |
iDOTDOT | Drops down one directory level on the server path |
iDSN | Gets the default datasource name |
iFILE | Accesses a flat text file for read, write or append purposes |
iFILEINFO | Gets information/attributes about a file |
iHTML | The original database tag, simply give it an SQL statement to execute |
iRANDOM | Generates a random record from a database (i.e: random ads) |
iSQL | For more advanced database access, such as nest queries and multiple datasources |
/iSQL | Closes the iSQL tag set |
iSQLCOLUMNS | Gets the column names for a specified database table |
iSQLFETCH | Gets a result record one at a time |
iSQLMORE | Allows the reuse of the same connection for another SQL statement |
iSQLNEXTSET | Allows multiple result sets in a query |
iSQLPROCCOLUMNS | Gets stored procedure columns |
iSQLPROCS | Gets a list of the stored procedures for a specified database |
iSQLTABLES | Gets the table names for a specified database |
iSQLTRANS | Allows grouping a set of SQL commands in a transaction |
/iSQLTRANS | Closes off the SQL transaction set |
iTEMPNAME | Creates a temporary file name |
iHTML addresses specific features that are available on the Internet such as DNS lookup, POP and SMTP Mail, Web advertisement management, or server push technology by providing its built-in features so that it reduces cost and increases the skill level of creating more advanced Web-based systems.
The following Table contains a list of the tags associated with Internet functions.
Tag Name | Function |
Environment Variables | Accesses Browser Type, IP Address etc., as variables in Web pages |
iADDHEADER | Adds your own header information from the server |
iBANNER | Completes banner ad management system in two tags |
iBANNERLOG | Completes banner ad management system in two tags |
iCLASSC | Gets the Class C address of the current visitor |
iCLEAN | Replaces words with alternates on specified text |
iCONTENT | Retrieves content type |
iCOUNTER | Gets a value from automated counters for a page |
iDOWNLOAD | Allows downloading of files to the browser |
iFINGER | Does a finger lookup |
iFORMAT | Formats results when replacing tags with data, similar to PRE |
/iFORMAT | Closes the iFORMAT tag |
iFTP | Opens an FTP session |
/iFTP | Closes an FTP session |
iFTPACTION | Performs an FTP action |
iGETMIMEFILE | Gets a file that was uploaded through a browser |
iGETMIMENAME | Gets the name of a file uploading with a browser |
iHTMLDECODE | Replaces < and > with < and > |
iHTTP | Does an HTTP request to a specified URL and returns page contents |
iIP | Gets the domain given an IP or IP given the domain |
iLINK | Formats an HREF link (basically just a macro) |
iMAIL | Allows sending of email messages from an HTML page |
/iMAIL | Closes the iMAIL feature |
iPAY | Links to popular electronic payment systems |
iPEEK | Used with iPUSH to determine client existence |
iPING | Returns time in milliseconds for specified IP address |
iPOP | Setup structure to get mail from a POP server |
/iPOP | Closes the iPOP tag set |
iPOPFETCH | Fetches mail messages from a POP server |
iPOPHEADER | Retrieves the header information for a message into variables |
iPUSH | Server Push for use in pushing graphical images to a browser client |
iREDIR | Redirects the browser to a specified URL |
iREM | Remarks out confidential notes, so that the View Source function in the browser cannot see them |
iSRVR | Gets the value from any server or environment variable |
iTELGET | Gets data for a telnet session |
iTELNET | Opens a telnet session |
/iTELNET | Closes a telnet session |
iTELSET | Sends data for a telnet session |
iTHREADS | Returns the number of active threads running on the server |
iURLENCODE | Encodes characters for use in a URL (spaces, <, >, etc.) as %ascii value |
iVIEWFILE | Views WP files natively on a Web page |
Dynamic Graphics
iHTML is a powerful graphics engine. Thus, it is possible to program graphics, draw images on the fly, or overlay one graphic image on top of another within an HTML document.
Combined with the database access tools, it can be used to generate charts and graphs from data stored in a corporate database system.
No special browsers or plug-ins are required for IHTML.
IHTML can also natively load over 10 different graphics file formats such as BMP and PCX, and do the conversion to non-compressed GIF, JPC and XBM on the fly.
The following Table contains a list of the tags associated with dynamic graphics and graphics filters.
Tag Name | Function |
Graphics Filters | Natively loads 10 different graphics file on a Web page (BMP, PCX, etc.) |
iIMAGEARC | Draws an ARC |
iIMAGECLEARCOLOR | Clears a specified colors from an image |
iIMAGECOPY | Copies one image to another |
iIMAGECREATE | Creates a new memory position for a graphic |
iIMAGEDESTROY | Destroys the image being built in memory |
iIMAGEFILL | Fills an image with a particular colour |
iIMAGEFROMFILE | Loads an image from a file |
iIMAGEGETCOLOR | Gets the colour of a specified pixel |
iIMAGEGETCOMPONENT | Gets the red, green, or blue component of a pixel colour |
iIMAGEGETINFO | Gets the information on a specified image |
iIMAGEGETPIXEL | Gets the colour index of pixel at x,y in an image |
iIMAGELINE | Draws a line |
iIMAGERECT | Draws a rectangle |
iIMAGESETBRUSH | Sets a brush style |
iIMAGESETINTERLACE | Sets whether a GIF is stored as interlaced (quickdraw) or not |
iIMAGESETPIXEL | Sets a specified pixel |
iIMAGESETSTYLE | Creates a new style for brushes and fills |
iIMAGESETTRANSPARENT | Sets the image as transparent |
iIMAGESTRETCH | Stretches, shrinks or resizes the image |
iIMAGETEXT | Displays text in the image |
iIMAGEWITHIN | Puts one image within another |
iIMAGEWRITE | Writes the built image to disk |
Traditional Programming Functions
iHTML includes features to manipulate strings, perform mathematical calculations and use or create dates.
It can create variables, find lengths of strings and perform most of the functions you would find in a traditional programming language.
The following Table contains a list of the tags associated with traditional programming.
Tag Name | Function |
/iFUNCTION | Ends an inline function |
iABS | Gets the absolute value of a specified value |
iASC | Gives the ASCII code for the specified ASCII character |
iASSIGN | Creates and defines global variables |
iBASECONV | Converts between different Base notations (Hex to Dec, Bin, etc.) |
iBIT | Performs bitwise operations |
iCEIL | Rounds a number up |
iCHR | Gives the ASCII character for the specified ASCII code |
iCOOKIE | Creates all cookie versions |
iCRDATE | Creates a valid date string when given month, day and year |
iCRDATETIME | Creates a single date/time string |
iCRTIME | Creates a valid time string |
iDATE | Displays the current date or specified date in any format required |
iDATEDIFF | Returns the number of days between two dates |
iDATEEXT | Returns extended information about a given date, day of week, day of year, etc. |
iDATETIME | Returns the date and time as a single string |
iDEFAULT | Sets a variable default value if not defined |
iDTSTRUCT | Breaks a date into its component parts |
iEQ | Creates and assigns values to variables, also for cookies (see iSET) |
iEVAL | More powerful than iMATH, uses English notation for a math statement |
iFLOOR | Rounds a number down |
iFUNCCALL | Calls an inline function |
iFUNCTION | Starts an inline function |
iGMTIME | Returns Greenwich Mean Time |
iISALPHA | Returns TRUE if the text is alphanumeric |
iISDATE | Returns TRUE if the date is a valid format |
iISDEF | Returns TRUE if the specified variable is defined |
iISDIGIT | Returns TRUE if the text is numeric |
iISFORMAT | Determines if a source text is of a particular format |
iISLEAP | Returns TRUE if the specified year is a leap year |
iISTIME | Returns TRUE if the specified time is a valid time |
iISTRUE | Returns whether the argument is true or not |
iLISTCREATE | Creates a new list |
iLISTGET | Gets an item from a list |
iLISTINSERT | Inserts an item in a list |
iMATH | Does basic mathematical functions and calculations (see iEVAL) |
iMATH | Performs more complicated Mathematical operations (see iEVAL) |
iMAX | Gets the maximum number from a list of numbers |
iMIN | Gets the minimum number from a list of numbers |
iNUMTEXT | Returns English words for a specified number |
iPRINTF | Like C printf functions to display text in a particular format |
iREGEXFIND | Finds an item in a list using REGEX |
iREGEXLIST | Handles regular expression lists |
iREGEXREPLACE | Replaces items in text using REGEX |
iREPLACE | Replaces certain text in a string with other text |
iRNDNUM | Generates a random number between limits specified |
iSET | More powerful than iEQ, allows use of multiple assignments |
iSHIFT | Does bit shifting |
iSTRCAT | Concatenates two strings |
iSTRCMP | Compares two strings, case sensitive |
iSTRCSPAN | Spans a text string until a specified character is found |
iSTRICMP | Compares two strings, case insensitive |
iSTRIN | Finds the position in a string of a sub-string |
iSTRIPCHR | Strips characters from a string of text |
iSTRJUST | Justifies specified text to left, right or center |
iSTRKEEP | Keeps or omits certain characters within a string |
iSTRLEFT | Gets the left specified number of characters |
iSTRLEN | Gets the length of a string |
iSTRLPAD | Pads a string to the left with a specified character |
iSTRLWR | Changes the string to lower case |
iSTRNCMP | Compares two strings for N characters, case sensitive |
iSTRNICMP | Compares two strings for N characters, case insensitive |
iSTRREM | Removes a sub-string from a text string |
iSTRREV | Reverses a string |
iSTRRIGHT | Gets the right specified number of characters |
iSTRRPAD | Pads a string to the right with a specified character |
iSTRSPAN | Like Basic mid$, returns text from a specified position in a string |
iSTRTRIM | Trims a string from the left or right of spaces |
iSTRUPR | Changes the string to upper case |
iSTRWITH | Includes or excludes a sub-string in a string |
iTIME | Displays the current time in specified format |
iTIMEDIFF | Returns an amount of time between two times |
iTIMESLOT | Performs the specified action if the current time is within the specified time |
iUNDEFINE | Undefines a variable |
iUNDEFINESET | Undefines a set of variables |
iVAL | Gives the value of leading numeric characters on a string |
Backward Page Processing
A powerful capability of IHTML is a set of unique background page processing features.
IHTML allows the creation of true web applications and works like adding a processor to a web page that can access and run that page in the background and perform the specified functions.
IHTML can be used to build many applications, such as a Mailing List manager that could poll a mail server, query a database for subscriber email addresses and redistribute that mail to the subscribers.
The following Table contains a list of the tags associated with back page processing
Tag Name | Function |
iBPPE GUI | Graphical Interface for entering pages to be Back Processed |
iCGI | Runs any CGI, EXE, or Batch program on the server |
iHTX | Hooks to add custom user written DLL programs within iHTML |
iSCHEDULE | Allows addition of entry to the Back Page Processor Engine |
Flow Control and Error Handling:
IHTML adds logical processing to Web pages with the following constructs:
- WHILE loops,
- IF/ELSE constructs
- CASE statements
- FOR/NEXT looping capabilities
IHTML allows the inclusion of one HTML file within another and when processing is finished on one page, the browser can automatically be redirected to another page.
The following Table contains a list of the tags associated with flow control
Tag Name | Function |
iAUTHOR | Leaves the original source in the page sent to the browser |
/iAUTHOR | Ends the iAUTHOR block |
iBREAK | Breaks out of a loop or case statement |
iCASE | Allows actions based on different cases (see iIF) |
/iCASE | Closes the iCASE tag set |
iCLEAR | Clears all processed content from the buffer |
iELSE | Executes the FALSE block |
iELSEIF | Acts as an IF statement on an ELSE |
iERROR | Creates an error block that is executed on an error |
/iERROR | Closes the error block |
iERRORPAGE | Actions to take on an error, provides more diagnostics |
iHEAPDUMP | Displays all the defined variables and values as well as error codes |
iIF | Checks a TRUE or FALSE condition, and executes the TRUE block |
/iIF | Closes the iIF tag set |
iINCLUDE | Includes an HTML file within another, for reusing code |
iLOOP | Loops a certain number of times |
/iLOOP | Closes the loop block |
iNAP | Waits for a specified period of time |
iREMBLOCK | Block out sections of code |
/iREMBLOCK | Closes the iREMBLOCK tag |
iSTOP | Stops page execution |
iSWITCH | Used with iCASE for a default condition |
/iSWITCH | Closes the iSWITCH tag set |
iWHILE | Loops while a specified statement is TRUE |
/iWHILE | Closes the iWHILE tag set |
Other Technology
IHTML has tags that perform hardware manipulation including access to joysticks, serial ports, pagers and fax machines.
It is also possible to use IHTML tags to make registry setting changes within Windows NT.
IHTML can also configure itself with the back page processor application.
The following table contains a list of the tags associated with other technology
Tag Name | Function |
iCONFIG | Configures iHTML registry settings |
iFAX | Sends faxes from the Web server (needs Fax modem) |
/iFAX | Closes the iFAX tag set |
iPAGER | Send messages to a numeric/alphanumeric pager (needs modem) |
iREFRESH | Rereads the program settings from the registry |
iREGKEY | Allows reading and writing to Windows NT registry key |
iREGVAL | Allows reading and writing to Windows NT registry key |
iSHIFT | Does bit shifting |
iSVC | Starts and stops NT services |
iVIDCAP | Captures live video from Connectix, or any AVI device onto the Web |
iVIEWFILE | Views WP and other files natively on the Web without conversion |
IHTML File Elements:
An iHTML file consists of a sequence of the following elements:
- Tags
- Colon variables
- Name Value Pairs
- Text
- iHTML Markers
The Attributes for each of the above files are as follows:
- Tags may contain the following:
- an HTML or iHTML tag name
- colon variables
- name value (NV) pairs
- text
- Colon variables may contain the following:
- a colon as a starting delimiter
- white space or tag delimiters as an ending delimiter
- clean text only between the delimiters
- period (.), underscore (_), dollar sign ($) and dash (-) are also valid characters for a colon variable
- Name Value Pairs may contain the following:
- a white space beginning delimiter
- a clean text name
- an = combined with optional white space delimiter
- a clean or quoted text or tag or colon variable for a value
- a white space or end of tag delimiter
- Clean text may contain the following:
- any characters except ", white space, and < or >
- A “sign may be present if escaped by %.
- A number cannot be the first character of a variable except when used in a database query as the column number.
- Quoted text may contain the following:
- quotation delimiters on each end
- a combination of clean text and white space between delimiters
- tags and variables
- escape characters
- iHTML Markers include following tags, such as
- iERROR, /iERROR, iWHILE, /iWHILE, iPOP, /iPOP, iCASE, /iCASE, iSQL, /iSQL, iLOOP and /iLOOP. They are treated differently by the parser, and their locations within the source file determine what and how other things are parsed.
How iHTML integrates with the Web Server
The following procedure explains the process of how iHTML integrates with the Web server. The integration is completed through the following steps:
1. IHTML gets initialized the moment when a client browser requests a page on the Web server running IHTML. This depends on the webserver.
2. The HTTP request is intercepted by IHTML, after the server has loaded it into memory based on the mimic type mapped to the IHTML engine.
3. A quick check is done to see if the <!ihtml> tag is on the page. If it is, then IHTML knows that it needs to parse that page; otherwise control is given back to the web server software.
4. The IHTML parsing engine checks for tags that start with <i and if it is a known tag, the tag resolves to data which may be from the server environment, a database, hardware device, etc. IHTML is recursive so it is possible to store variables and other tags within other variables or a database. When these are resolved the new results on the page are resolved. In this way, your HTML pages can change on the fly.
5. Once all processing is done, IHTML passes the page back to the Web server.
The Web server then sends the page to the client browser.
Diagram to represent iHTML Connections
The following figures show a graphical representation of this procedure, as well as the IHTML parsing procedure.
Actions mentioned by Numbers
1. Client requests a page on the Web server
2. Server loads the requested Page
3. IHTML engine intercepts the processing request
4. IHTML searches the requested file and run queries. Replace its tags with data.
5. Requested Page is then sent to server.
6. Server sends the page obtained to client.
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